Mar 16, 2017 No Comments 消息处理延期说明 尊敬的客户: 由于一些其他原因,我们自3月初开始至今,信息处理的时效性受到了一些影响,部分消息未能进行及时答复。 我们正在努力恢复并降低处理延期,按照目前的进度预计下周晚些时候能恢复到日常水平。 对所带给您的困扰深表歉意。 如果您有紧急事务请务必邮件至 感谢 海涵 52Neptune 16 Mar. 2017 ---------- Dear Customer: For some other reason, since the beginning of March, the timeliness of information processing has been affected, some of the messages failed to respond in a timely manner. We are trying to recover and reduce the processing delay, according to the current progress is expected later next week can be restored to the daily level. I apologize for the distress. If you have an emergency, please mail to Best Wishes 52Neptune 16 Mar. 2017 最后更新于 2017-03-16 18:16:08 并被添加「」标签,已有 9456 位童鞋阅读过。 本站使用「署名 4.0 国际」创作共享协议,可自由转载、引用,但需署名作者且注明文章出处